Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Come On Warm Weather!!

ARGH - it snowed yesterday and this morning when I walked the dog it was 23 degrees. It's freakin March 27th!! ARGH! BUT when I was having my coffee I heard birds signing their asses off right outside the window, they were singing like crazy birds. Maybe they know something the weathermen don't - SPRING IS ON THE WAY!!!!!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Feeling Blog

I am feeling very bloggy this week! Is that a word? Who created the term Blog anyway? Blog sounds more like a feeling than a chain of communication. Why are some people soooooooooo needy and love to just turf off responsibility...not saying I am a perfect person but I cannot, again cannot stand people who are suck broads, with out their own back bone, who depend on others to be their back bone only to break the very persons back they are depending on if everything does not turn out the way THEY want. How do you manage these people in your life with out getting law enforcement involved when YOU go ballistic on them...cause you know you want to  but you know you can't!
Am I getting old and grumpy....old definitely...grumpy I can control.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Another Great Weekend!

I am so blessed! Another Great Weekend! I have had a lot of those lately!! Family, Friends, Fun and Great Times!! How fortunate I am to have such awesome people in my life for over thirty years!!!