Thursday, June 14, 2012

Be-alive in yourself

Speaking of "Irish" typos, I just realized that one of the "motivational" notes I have taped to my computer screen has a typo. It says "Bealive in yourself" - I meant to write "Believe in yourself", but obviously did not. Was some other message I needed to hear coming through? I think so! It's amazing how stuff like that happens without really thinking about it.

"Be-Alive in yourself", what does that mean? For starters I think it reminds me to be present in every moment, focus on how I FEEL about things and take the appropriate action but mostly, to live every second of my life like I mean it - BE ALIVE! Breath the air, smell the smells, take in all of the beauty that surrounds me! Find the fun in everything I do, enjoy the company of the people I surround myself with, and to say a little prayer for those I don't (ha, ha, ha)!

Being alive is a great tonic to the "every day routine" most of us get stuck in, It also changes your perspective on life. We are not meant to "toil", "worry", "stress" about life 100% of the time, which a lot of us do. Sure there are hard times to face in this lifetime, but mostly we are here to ENJOY, LIVE, LOVE, SHARE and most of all to have fun! BE-ALIVE in your self and see the beauty this life has to offer. It will create many more "good times" and will certainly get you through the tough times! I'm off to go on a pre-school/work bicycle adventure with my daughter. BE-ALIVE!!!

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