Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Crazy Bitch inside all of us

Standing here beside myself

OK -I hate the Bitch. She visits me when I'm tired, overworked, hungry and bored. She is a major party pooper and will usually show up (uninvited) when I have had a string of good news, good things happen or a couple if great days in a row. She doesn't like to have a good time so she tries very hard to make sure you don't either. Ever! She's that nagging little voice in the background saying "you are not worthy, you are not good enough, you are old, fat" etc. Gosh, she can drive you completely insane.

So what do you do when you are standing there beside your (crazy Bitch) self? LOVE HER! She needs attention, she needs to be comforted, she needs to be told "it's all good!", "everything is going to work out fine", "you ARE beautiful!", "you are smart, healthy, good at what you do" etc. Giving her the love and attention she needs gives you the love and attention you need!

My inner crazy bitch teaches me to slow down and take inventory when she shows up. I think "why is she here? What is she nagging me about? Is there a message she is trying to convey?". Then I take a deep breath and start to think about what actions I need to take to get her to go home! Sometimes it's as simple as telling her, "you can go now" and other times we walk hand in hand trying to figure out what    steps I need to take to feel better (i.e. sticking to my exercise routine, eating well, cutting myself a break etc.). I hate to admit it, but the crazy bitch does serve a purpose for me, she exposes areas of opportunity for not only building my self confidence but also building the love I have for myself. Which is really what she's all about!

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