Thursday, September 13, 2012

Happiness project

You comment about ...essentially work life balance...and we are not balanced. In this world today.... work often defines us, along with who did you marry, are you still married to them, how many kids do you you have, what are your hobbies, where do you vacation...if you are fortunate to vacation at all, what else do you do...other than the boring day by day...sounds like a musical...stuff.. But the past comes to by day oh dear lord do I pray... The happiness project talks about living each day like you mean it and that it is how you should live every day. How you live daily is what really makes you who you are not just the planned events like parties, vacations and occasions. Can you have energy, love and happiness everyday...not just when you are say in Disney World? Happiness does take work and planning, meeting your bank account on a regular basis, making sacrifices to have those family vacations in special places, as we were so fortunate to do this summer. SO what defines us is our day to day attitude and how we approach life. Happiness means positive and it is what we need to focus on. And as far as those in our lives who bring us down, I say take the Scott Casey road piss em off until they can't stand it any longer, and drive them insane. WE are nice people but don't piss us off! nice or leave... damn it!

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