So how much is too much? Oprah built her brand on her image, it was plastered everywhere. On the cover of her magazine, on her TV ads and on her website. We saw her happy, sad, dancing, in jammies etc. Fast forward a couple of years our buddie Chris Karr is doing he same thing, launching her new brand with her beautiful healthy face all over the place. Then I check out the Happiness Project blog and Gretchen is plugging her book every second she gets. It make me feel conflicted (but I'm still happy!)
We were taught to be humble, not to be "braggy", verbose and/or ask for too much attention. So as a woman looking to promote her business a.k.a and extension of herself, how do you do it without looking self centered, braggy etc. Do you think people really want people as brands? Do people really want to see you in every situation to determine if they want to buy your greeting card? I don't know.
Also too, I struggle with the blog idea. I have 4 of them. Fifishead, Creative juice project, casey update and this one. I also created a facebook store location for aileen designs. What do people want to hear from me? Do they really want to know what I'm reading, that I'm training for the Disney 1/2 marathon, that I'm having a bad day? I DON'T KNOW. It all seems pretty selfish and boring to me.
The one thing the ladies I mentioned above do is to provide useful and fun information. So maybe it's all about them, but them they turn it into something that's all about you. Which could be why it works. So if you followed an artist who blogs, who gives you a sneak peek into the creative process and her life, what could she give you that you would find valuable?
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