Thursday, January 24, 2013

More on Happiness

People are just as happy as they make their minds up to be. –Abraham Lincoln
This is so true and we are all working so hard to be happy. One thing we have to realize is that although we can try to impact other people's happiness only they can make themselves happy. I think in life while there is a lot of tragedy and unhappiness but I believe there is more happiness than the world realizes. Because our culture is so focused on the negative, tragic and dramatic people are bombarded with all that is unhappy. This is kind of ironic because I have been noticing that there are many books, on line blogs, and chats on social media that are focusing on happiness, especially among our middle age friends. Happiness, unfortunately, has not gone main stream primarily because the negative, tragic and dramatic sells ads and buys viewers.
I love shows like CSI but these shows are tragic and dramatic and focus on horrible situations. But there is also mystery and intrigue. There are so many of these shows out there and on TV every day nearly every hour. When I think about happiness and the influence main stream media has on happiness and society it scares me that so many people, young people, watch these shows. These shows may be intriguing they but are so violent had highlight the dysfunctional members of our society. The influences these shows have on society, especially our children, concern me.  Tragedy is a part of life and has been part of theatre and culture since the beginning of time but with communication being what it is today society is overwhelmed with tragic, violent, and negative drama.
So I vote for more mainstream media focus on happiness, being positive and having fun! Perhaps this will help to curb some of the horrible violence we see on the news every day!
Have a happy!!!!

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